Katalyst Overview

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Company Details

Katalyst LLC is a boutique advisory firm focused on global opportunities in the technology, media and telecommunications sectors. Since its founding in 1999, Katalyst has advised over 100 companies, both public and private, throughout the world. With offices in Philadelphia, PA; Hamburg, Germany; and Shanghai, PRC, we are ideally positioned to offer you financial services and investment opportunities in U.S., European and Asian companies and institutions.

What makes Katalyst different is the nature of our team and the manner in which we deliver. We are a group of senior-level professionals with a wide range of relevant industry and capital market expertise. The team really understands the business of the companies that it works with and leverages this knowledge for your financial success. Our approach is characterized by an ability to simultaneously think strategically and tactically. We work in a hands-on manner to propose actionable solutions to your financial objectives and deliver tangible, bottom-line results.


P.O. Box 198 , 19041 PA
United States

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