Canaan Partners Overview

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Company Details

Canaan Partners is a global venture capital firm that invests in people who turn visionary ideas into valuable and significant technology & healthcare companies. We were early investors in some of the world’s leading technology companies, including Acme Packet, CommerceOne, DoubleClick and and as well as healthcare giants Cerexa, Dexcom and Peninsula Pharmaceuticals.

Canaan is committed long after the initial investment and we work hard to help companies grow over time. Over the years, Canaan has invested in more than 250 companies, many of them going on to become leaders in their respective industries. Our investment capabilities range from $1 million to $20 million, and we have the ability and the team to invest in any stage of development, from seed financings to late stage investments.


11 HaMenofim Street, Building B Floor #10, Herzliya Pituach 46120
508, Time Tower, Mehrauli Gurgaon Rd., 122001
285 Riverside Ave., Suite 250, 06880 CT
United States
2765 Sand Hill Road, 94025 CA
United States

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