Default Risk

The probability that a borrower fails to meet their debt obligations promptly, breaking their contract.

Author: Alexander McCoy
Alexander McCoy
Alexander McCoy
Reviewed By: Parul Gupta
Parul Gupta
Parul Gupta
Working as a Chief Editor, customer support, and content moderator at Wall Street Oasis.
Last Updated:June 4, 2024

What is Default Risk?

Default risk is the probability that a borrower fails to meet their debt obligations promptly, breaking their contract. This means the borrower doesn’t pay their principal or interest on time.

Default risk is also known as default probability and is a metric used by lenders to determine the riskiness in dealing with said customers. If a borrower’s default probability is high, they can expect to be charged higher interest rates than someone with a lower probability.

On a business level, if a firm has a free cash flow figure around or below zero, this could indicate that it has a high chance of defaulting on its debt. If this firm tried to take out credit, they wouldn’t get favorable terms in the deal due to their default probability.

This risk is generally captured under two expenses that individuals and corporations are forced to pay down and account for when taking out debt:

  1. Interest Expense: The borrower makes payments to the lender throughout the term length of the debt.
  2. Mandatory Amortization: The required amount paid down for the principal during the length of the debt.

When lenders charge a higher rate for borrowers with a higher default probability, they charge them a default risk premium. They charge this premium to ensure they don’t lose money on the transaction if they lend funds to the borrower who defaults.

In some cases, if a borrower’s default probability is too high, the lender will outright deny lending to them. They won’t even give them the option of unfavorable terms and paying a premium. 


The default risk premium can be calculated by taking the difference between the interest rate pricing on a certificate of indebtedness and the risk-free interest rate.

Key Takeaways

  • Default risk refers to the chance that a borrower will fail to fulfill their debt obligations, meaning they won't be able to make scheduled interest and/or principal payments on a loan or bond.
  • Default risk is a significant concern for lenders and investors, as it exposes them to the possibility of financial loss if the borrower defaults.
  • The perceived level of default risk associated with a borrower influences the interest rate offered on a loan. Borrowers with higher default risk will typically be charged a higher interest rate to compensate for the lender's increased risk.
  • Credit rating agencies assess the creditworthiness of borrowers (individuals, companies, governments) and assign ratings that reflect the likelihood of default.

Understanding Default Risk

Every time the lenders take risks and provide funds they borrowed, they determine their expected Loss. So, naturally, they want to keep this figure as low as possible to minimize the chance of losing money due to a default.

The Expected Loss is calculated by multiplying the default probability by the loss severity, or the amount (in value) of losses that materialize when a loan defaults:

Expected Loss = Default Risk * Loss Severity

It’s important to analyze this risk when valuing government-backed securities and credit derivatives.

Credit instruments like government bonds from developed and stable economies have low default probabilities, some even zero. Hence, default probability is more important than the expected loss estimate in this case.

The default probability is a key tool for both investors and lenders. A higher probability may mean that a lender will charge higher interest to a borrower, but it could also mean that a bond investor doesn’t invest in the bond because of its riskiness.

This risk can be affected by macroeconomic factors or changes on a micro level within the company. For example, when the economy is experiencing a recession, the revenues and profits of a company will likely decrease from revenues before the recession.


When investing in bonds, it’s important to consider the defaulting probabilities. If you are looking for a safe investment, you should invest in the US Treasury Bond, a risk-free investment. On the other hand, there are more risky bonds that will generate better returns.

This will likely influence the company’s ability to make its debt obligations, especially if the decline in revenues and profits is substantial.

Economic factors like an increase in competition in the market or a lower pricing influence will also affect a company when trying to make its debt obligations. Therefore, companies ensure they have strong cash flows to avoid any problems.

Default risks can also be something that concerns investors. For example, individuals who invest in bonds will likely monitor the default probability. This is because if the bonds were to default, you would lose your entire investment along with the accrued interest income

Understanding Borrowing Capacity

Measuring this risk is a little more complex than understanding its actual concept. First, to measure default probability, we need to understand borrowing capacity. Borrowing capacity is the borrower’s ability to meet its debt obligations promptly.

Many different things can influence the borrower’s ability to make their payments on time, such as: 

The Borrower’s Finances

If the borrower has substantial debt and doesn’t have the necessary cash flows to account for this debt, they will be in trouble. When having high levels of debt, you must be able to pay it off – which usually comes from strong cash flows.

If companies have limited to no debt, they are considered more creditworthy. This is especially true when the firm’s cash flows are strong compared to the outstanding debt level. 


An analyst will use different income statements and balance sheet ratios to determine a borrower's financial health to put the company’s debt in perspective.

Macroeconomic Influences

Different issues impacting the whole economy or the industry may have a trickle-down effect on the company’s ability to pay its debt.

For example, if the industry has supply chain issues, the firm may not sell as many products, leading to lower cash flows.

Even companies with strong financials can face debt payment problems and an increase in their bond’s default probability, given poor market conditions. 


Market influences can also be very beneficial to firms too. For example, strong periods of the economic cycle can help firms with weaker financials improve their creditworthiness, and their bonds will have lower default risk.

Currency Volatility

If firms deal with different currencies used for their debt and revenues, they may experience fluctuations in the conversion between the currencies.

The value of currencies changes all the time, and a severe rise or fall in one currency could lead the firm to have trouble paying its debt off if the debt is in another, more stable currency.

Governmental Policies And Geopolitical Tension

When different geopolitical events affect the entire world and each country’s economy, they can surely affect a singular firm’s ability to pay its debt.


Events like war, natural disasters, or changes in the person in power in different countries can strain the world economy. These events will stress borrowers trying to make payments and lenders trying to collect their payments.

While bonds issued by developed countries’ governments are usually stable and safe investments, bonds issued by less developed nations or nations facing political instability will have bonds with higher default probability. 

Credit and Bond Ratings

Credit agencies are firms that store information, such as credit history, that is helpful for investors to use when determining whether to invest in a bond. For example, credit agencies analyze different bonds and calculate the default probability associated with each one.

The popular credit agencies you may have heard of are Fitch Ratings, Standard & Poor’s, and Moody’s Investors Services.

The agencies provide investors with different ratings to determine whether a bond is a safe or risky investment. These ratings give investors the default probability based on the specific category the bond is listed in.

Most of the bonds you’ll see receive a rating from at least two credit agencies, including government bonds. In addition, each bond is given an initial rating: investment grade and non-investment grade.

Investment-grade bonds are considered safer investments, meaning they are less likely to default. Conversely, non-investment grade bonds, also known as junk bonds, are riskier investments with a higher chance of defaulting. 


Even though some bonds are called non-investment grade, you can still invest in them. These bonds are even likely to pay you more in interest payments. They’re called “non-investment grade” because of their high chance of defaulting, resulting in you losing your investment. 

The bonds are then given a specific rating depending on the level of risk. For example, if the bond is of the highest quality and safest, it will receive a triple-A rating – the highest rating a bond can get.

For every incremental bond rating decrease, the bond’s defaulting probability will decrease. Bonds are considered investment grade or safe until they surpass a “BB-” rating.

After this rating, they will officially move into the non-investment grade category.

Agencies will often provide more context to their ratings. For example, they will describe whether the outlook for the bond is positive, neutral, or negative. They may also alert investors of other information they think is material when investing in the bond market.

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