Places to Go - South East Asia

Thinking of de-zoning from work in fall and was wondering what places to go to in South East Asia. Not looking for just the generics (Thailand, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, etc), but also some of the more undiscovered, less touristy places. Currently looking at Burma, Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, Cambodia, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines and Singapore. I'll get a whole month to myself.


Ugh.. so jealous. There's a lot on your list there for one month, but generally I'll just plug Thailand and Cambodia over some of the others. Would def spend at least three days hanging out in Siem Reap. For me SR was way cooler than Phnom Penh, but I really enjoyed the whole Angkor thing. Good food options, casual backpacker atmosphere, $5 massages, cold beer on a hot day, it's tough to go wrong.

Thailand more or less speaks for itself. I tried to spend a month there when I was in college before falling off a 3rd floor balcony while intoxicated and cutting my trip short. If I were under 30, I'd def do the Full Moon Party thing, spend some time on Ko Samui, and just scuba dive a ton. Also probably worthwhile to kick around Chiang Mai since that seems to be where all the expats are who are living the dream on $15k USD/yr. Could easily see a startup/tech hub being born in Chiang Mai over the next 10 years.

Other things I liked:

  • Tioman island in Malaysia (off the beaten track although probably overrun with Chinese tourists by now).
  • Bali if you're bringing the wife. Ubud > Kuta/Nusa Dua
  • Hanoi >> Saigon if you do Vietnam. Would've completely flipped my time in these cities if I could do it again or just skip Saigon entirely.

Would love to get to Burma some day, but can't add any value there...


SB'ed for the username

GoldenCinderblock: "I keep spending all my money on exotic fish so my armor sucks. Is it possible to romance multiple females? I got with the blue chick so far but I am also interested in the electronic chick and the face mask chick."

Cambodia is amazing for a lot of reasons. It isn't a huge tourist trap, you can find incredible beaches and have them all to yourself, your money goes a lot further, the people are very friendly, the food is great, and it's still pretty easy to get too. it's a great place to unwind and relax, but if you want a lot of nightlife and entertainment you could be disappointed.


Bali is absolutely amazing. It's not a totally unplugged place from the world, but enough so that it's very relaxing. I spent 4 days in Ubud (inland, more cultural) and 4 days in Nusa Dua (beaches - touristy part) and rank it up there with one of my favorite places in the world I've visited. Also agreed with jankynoname that it's also a pretty romantic place to go. Additionally, if you plan to take your trip soon you'll be at the start of dry season - a great time to go as it rains pretty damn hard during wet season.

Feel free to PM - I can send more details.


In Thailand, Koh Kut hasn't been completely run over with tourists. It's on the very SE edge of Thailand on the border with Cambodia in the Trat Province. It's somewhat a pain in the ass to get to because you need to take a bus from the airport+1hr ferry ride, and the closest commercial airport with multiple airlines operating is U-Tapao in Pattaya, which is still a good 2 hours from the ferry.

You will most likely need to rent a scooter to get around because everything on the island is spread apart.


There's a lot of great advice here. Fully agree with all the recommendations regarding Thailand and Cambodia. However, if you're looking to go from Thailand to Cambodia, I'd recommend flying in. In my experience crossing the border on foot/car from Thailand to Cambodia is a massive pain in the ass. The border guys are no where near as friendly as the immigration agents in the airport and try to extort as much money from you as possible. I tried crossing with my girlfriend and they openly harassed her and many of the other female western travelers.


Important note: if you enter Thailand by ground you only get a 15-day Visa waiver, but if you fly in its a 30-day Visa waiver. Also, some of the immigration officers at certain crossings along Laos and Cambodia are complete douches as well, e.g. they want "payment"


Phu Quoc Island, Vietnam. It's a 45 min flight from Saigon.

Stay at the Salinda, rent a moped and explore.

"Some things are believed because they are demonstrably true. But many other things are believed simply because they have been asserted repeatedly—and repetition has been accepted as a substitute for evidence." - Thomas Sowell

Okay guys, thanks for a lot of comments here - really solid advice from everybody. Hope this becomes a Go-To thread for anyone who's planning a trip to SEA, so feel free to contribute your experiences.

I'm currently debating whether to do this alone, or take a chick along (I'm so Jewish I don't want to pay for another person though). Currently, based on the suggestions here, I'm looking at:

Singapore:- Launchpad - I'll be starting from here after some assigned work at the local office

Thailand: - Phuket, Bangkok (just 1 DAY), Koh Kut, maybe boat along the Chao Phraya, Pattaya, Koh Pangan (Full Moon), Chiang Mai, Koh Samui

Indonesia: - Bali, Gili Islands, Labuan Bajo, Ora Beach, Bunaken, Raja Ampat, Ubud, Nusa Dua, Yogyakarta [Is Jakarta worth visiting though? Hear a ton of shit about it - not abt the religious riots, since I've spent a good amount of time in the Middle East, so I'm hoping I can adapt to their customs]

Vietnam:- Hanoi, then Saigon, Phu Quoc, Haiphong?, Da Nang

Burma:- Bagan, Rangoon, Mrauk U, Bago, Mandalay

Cambodia:- Angkor (not doing the marathon - so hipster), Phnom Penh, Siem Reap

Malaysia:- KL (again, just 1 night - I'll have to check out this place called Aunty Aini's), then I think I'll stop at Tioman for a couple of nights

Philippines (from a previous thread):- Cebu, Manila, Bukidnon, Davao (not putting Mindanao - Jemaat Islamiyah are active there)

Laos? I've heard good things about Vientiane, but no idea about the rest of the country

Hong Kong:- Planned end. LKF for the win.

Countries on the ignore list:- Brunei

One of my friends suggested a pretty cool idea - check out every place conquered in the four campaigns of the new AOE2 expansion (haven't tried it out myself) - Bayinnaung (Burma-Cambodia), Suryavarman (Thailand), Gajah Mada (Indonesia) and Le Loi (Vietnam). Interesting idea, since I've always been a history buff and an AOE fan. And great history and myths behind these guys.

GoldenCinderblock: "I keep spending all my money on exotic fish so my armor sucks. Is it possible to romance multiple females? I got with the blue chick so far but I am also interested in the electronic chick and the face mask chick."

These are places in the Philippines that you wouldn't want to miss.

Luzon: Ilocos Norte, Batanes, Banaue, Camarines Norte/Sur Visayas: Boracay, Cebu, Bohol, Palawan Mindanao: Davao, Surigao, Bukidnon

When it comes to beaches, there are endless choices.


I forgot to add, DO NOT arrive at the pier in Trat before 7am, literally nothing is open and the bus terminal (only place with 7-11) is a good 20 minute drive to the pier. I had to sleep on a bench outside in the pouring rain because my bus arrived at 4am and didn't wait around the terminal...

Best Response

Don't go to Bali. It's completely overrun with tourists (mostly from Australia), has been and continues to be a prime terrorism target, has a serious rabies problem and isn't good value compared to other parts of Indonesia or Southeast Asia. I've heard Java is much better for culture (puppets and gamelan), food and historical sites (ie Borobudur). I've also heard good things about Lombok, and there are also quite a few good scuba spots. Borneo (from Malaysia or Indonesia) is also good if you want to get a tropical jungle experience. Aceh is much more conservative with respect to religion, so if you go there be mindful that some local Sharia laws do apply to tourists.

Malay is very similar to Indonesian, and easy to learn, so if you pick up a bit of Indonesian, the words and sentences are likely very similar in Malay.

Singapore is a melting pot, and is by far the most developed region in Southeast Asia, and as such, can also be a bit sterile. It's not the place to go if you want to party (alcohol is $$$$) but the food is amazing, you can do a daytrip to Malaysia and there are plenty of other things to do.

Vietnam is beautiful, relatively safe, and also quite cheap. A meal from a street vendor will


There are separatists in Thailand? O_o

GoldenCinderblock: "I keep spending all my money on exotic fish so my armor sucks. Is it possible to romance multiple females? I got with the blue chick so far but I am also interested in the electronic chick and the face mask chick."

Thanks for all the info. Maybe for Bali, I'll just stick to Denpasar and a few beaches nearby. Will check out Java and Borneo. By any chance, would it be possible to hike up a Ring of Fire volcano? And is Aceh good for sightseeing? Heard there's a lot of Islamic tourism over there, but I'm familiar with Sharia, so that won't be a problem. As for Philippines, I've heard both sides - some are fervently loyal to Duterte, especially people from Davao. Some hate him vehemently. I've been advised to just stick with Manila and Cebu for now. And how dicey is it in Thailand? I know king died, and son sucks, but isn't it a constitutional monarchy? King dies, but still the power is with the govt no?

Want to join me on this adventure? You sound knowledgeable about the place, I could use you. Besides I have a fine mustache.

GoldenCinderblock: "I keep spending all my money on exotic fish so my armor sucks. Is it possible to romance multiple females? I got with the blue chick so far but I am also interested in the electronic chick and the face mask chick."

Thailand is very safe except for maybe the deep south near Malaysia. The bombing in Bangkok is one of the reasons why its so damn hard to find a trash can on a busy/touristy public area. As for the king's situation, its pretty stable, nobody likes the junta but it is what it is. Just don't say anything bad about the monarchy.


Honestly pretty curious how you guy have the time to do these lengthly trips. Are these the once a year two week vacations? Time between jobs?


Part of the trip wouldn't be off-time - I might be working in the region. And you're right - once a year two week vacation + two week leave (unpaid). Comp isn't a big deal for me.

GoldenCinderblock: "I keep spending all my money on exotic fish so my armor sucks. Is it possible to romance multiple females? I got with the blue chick so far but I am also interested in the electronic chick and the face mask chick."

visited thailand for 3 weeks in september did bangkok, koh samui, koh tao, and koh phangan and had a great time, but was pretty spent by the end didnt have time for pai/chiang mai in the north, but i hear those are the best places to go most hate bangkok, but if you know the right places to go (not touristy), its amazing I think the key is balancing exploring and partying/meeting people in hostels with taking breaks and relaxing in nice resorts


Hostels or hotels? Which should I go for?

GoldenCinderblock: "I keep spending all my money on exotic fish so my armor sucks. Is it possible to romance multiple females? I got with the blue chick so far but I am also interested in the electronic chick and the face mask chick."

What type of experience are you looking for? How old are you? Is money an object?

Hotels in much of Southeast Asia are a fraction of the cost of what you would find in the US.

The hostels generally have dorm options and individual suites. Obviously the latter is more expensive, but it's still likely less than what you're paying for rent in the US.

Just keep in mind that Southeast Asia is full of Australians, especially young Australians, and for financial reasons the majority of them stay in hostels. When I say young, I'm not talking 30 - I'm talking a lot of people who have just finished high school on gap years (17-18) and people who are taking time during university vacations to travel (18-22). Most of the older people who have partners or decent incomes opt for hotels or single suites in guest houses. Some hostels can get a bit loud because a lot of backpackers treat it as an extended party (which is fine, just a little weird tbh in Muslim countries like Malaysia and Indonesia). So feel free to stay there, but if you're in your 30s you might get the reputation as the weird old guy hitting on teenagers.


id say try a mixture of both stayed at a hostel in bangkok called nap park where I met lots of great people, but then switched it up for a night and stayed at a gorgeous hotel called SO Sofitel with an incredible rooftop pool did the same in koh samui, hostel most of the time, then a few nights at the intercontinental


I guess the formula here is try out hostels+hotels in established tourist hotspots. In shitty places, like Burma, Jakarta, Hanoi, etc. go for only 5-star hotels.

GoldenCinderblock: "I keep spending all my money on exotic fish so my armor sucks. Is it possible to romance multiple females? I got with the blue chick so far but I am also interested in the electronic chick and the face mask chick."

I would still call Hanoi a tourist hotspot.

Have you considered spending a few days in Australia or Hong Kong? Far North Queensland or the Northern Territory could be a good way to experience tropical reefs and rain forests in a place where safety is great, English is spoken universally and where you don't really need to worry about infectious diseases. Hong Kong is different altogether, but there's also so much to do.


You have such good travel destinations to choose from. I love Singapore with many child friendly tourist destinations there. If you are planning for a close to nature trip then you can visit Philippines. A very nice country with good people as well.


Bud - I went on a KILLER vacation in Vietnam several years ago. Take yourself and a few friends out to Halong Bay and charter yourself a boat. For ~100-200 per person/day, you'll get three meals, each with multiple courses and a personal chef, your own boat, and the freedom to have crew sail it wherever you want.

Hoi An is also beautiful, as is Hui. If you're into a vacation that's off the beaten path, I can't recommend Vietnam more highly.


I am biased (Cause I'm from there) but the Philippines definitely is an gem in SEA for a little r&r. Manila (capital city) is pretty congested, but there is a good night life scene with many nice restaurants, bars, and clubs.

As for travelling elsewhere in the Philippines, it would depend on what you want to see. There are many many beaches & beach towns (Palawan, Siargao, Boracay), which are the main attractions IMO to the Philippines. Few cities with some attractions & festivals too, if that's what you're into.

Shoot me a PM if you're ever in the Philippines! Be glad to take you (or any other WSO monkeys) around!

P.S. beers go for about $0.5 to $1 here, sooooo...


Tbh, I find Philippine cuisine a bit drab and unoriginal. The culture can be summed up in Jeepneys, Spanish colonial period, US occupation and karaoke. Would love to see a different side from all that.

GoldenCinderblock: "I keep spending all my money on exotic fish so my armor sucks. Is it possible to romance multiple females? I got with the blue chick so far but I am also interested in the electronic chick and the face mask chick."

The Philippines is the biggest paradise on this planet. Seriously, if you can go, go. My advice would be:

  1. Avoid wasting time in Manila - it's a huge, congested and incredibly hot city and, in my opinion, not worth the opportunity cost of not being on other islands
  2. Stay in El Nido (in the island of Palawan) as long as you can - I can even tell you the best place to stay (don't know your budget, but it's 20 bucks a night and definitely worth it). You will not regret it. You will see the most incredible sunset, ride a scooter to remote (and breathtakingly beautiful) beaches and party hard at night
  3. If you're looking for another island to go, I also went to Busuanga. It's beautiful too (I thought it was the greatest thing I had seen in life until I arrived 2 days later in El Nido), you can go scuba diving (better than El Nido for that), but overall a less developed town with also less people

El Nido was so great that I've decided to make it an annual trip from now on. I don't think one can get tired of that


Fuck, he's got some really good accounts.

GoldenCinderblock: "I keep spending all my money on exotic fish so my armor sucks. Is it possible to romance multiple females? I got with the blue chick so far but I am also interested in the electronic chick and the face mask chick."

Southeast Asia is great, I'd visit again for sure. As others have mentioned Vietnam/ Philippines are less touristy than Thailand but all those countries are getting pretty popular for visiting Australians/ Chinese/ Europeans.


Laos, I've heard that smoking opium (they also make opium tea lol) with the locals in some village in the middle of nowhere is quite an experience


Went to Phuket last year, you can either chill out and do not much or do some crazy things. Fun place, would recommend it.

Jack: They’re all former investment bankers who were laid off from that economic crisis that Nancy Pelosi caused. They have zero real world skills, but God they work hard. -30 Rock

Spent barely anything past flights and hotel. Even the hotel I stayed in was an awesome resort and not very expensive.

Jack: They’re all former investment bankers who were laid off from that economic crisis that Nancy Pelosi caused. They have zero real world skills, but God they work hard. -30 Rock
Thailand is the best (if you're a male) treated like a king with few hundred bucks.

Thailand is my #1 for a future Asian vacation. You should go to the island from The Beach. That has been a dream of mine since I was like 10 years old.

My WSO Blog "Unbelievably Believable" -- RG3

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