I can't visit this link at work, of course, but of course anyone who bothers to do a search for my posts will understand that I like girls and boys both. You've been on the forums long enough to comprehend that. Was there some question of that in your mind, Zala? Any other questions I can answer for you?


I was wondering about that myself. Raunchy porn? Was there a videocamera at my going-away party back in May or something? If so, I'd kinda like to have that footage myself.


I doubt it. I think they're too busy alternating between snickering at the idea of bisexual females and jerking off in their dorm bathrooms.

Get a clue, gents. Many women can go both ways if they want to. It really isn't a terribly big deal. At least, not to us.


It's a collage of Mis Ind's posts and what I presume to be her in some photographs, also some wierd music playing in the background lol.


So, wait, let me get this:

You honestly have nothing better to do than develop a website with some sort of covert photographs of someone you have never met?


Man, I leave for an hour and thse are the reactions I get.

So, wait, let me get this:

You honestly have nothing better to do than develop a website with some sort of covert photographs of someone you have never met?

Yes, chemE. I took covert photographs of mis ind while she was naked and put them on the net.

Mis Ind - I'm just messing around, I assumed that you did like girls but I didn't know you had explicitly put it out there. No big deal if you do; I just felt like making one of those ytmnd things


Hey, Dan. As you've known from my dozens of posts on the subject of my appreciation of the female gender, there's never been anything "closet" about my sexuality. Let me spell it out for you, lest you guys continue to make the mistake of thinking I'm 100% hetero: my fiance and I like to play with girls. At the clubs we used to frequent before I started I-banking, we regularly met and mingled with a large number of really wonderful, beautiful, charming girls. We took them home. We threw parties. We drank champagne. We fucked their brains out. Everyone went away happy. End of story.

I actually really love talking about women, in case you didn't notice, so if you guys have any questions, I'd be happy to answer them. Particularly if it'll help you boys get over your snickering. Isn't it every man's dream to be with two girls at the same time? How do you gents plan to get that accomplished if you can't help laughing at bisexual girls? 100% straight girls don't do threesomes, my friends.

Mis Ind:
At the clubs we used to frequent before I started I-banking, we regularly met and mingled with a large number of really wonderful, beautiful, charming girls. We took them home. We threw parties. We drank champagne. We fucked their brains out. Everyone went away happy. End of story.

oh my fucking god. holy shit. i fucking love mis ind.

Mis Ind:
How do you gents plan to get that accomplished if you can't help laughing at bisexual girls?

Bi girls are awesome - I don't think (most of) the guys on here are really laughing.


Ooh, Seanc... sounds like someone's giving you some lip. This is a perfect time for you to show me this Real Manhood you've been talking about. I'm waiting with baited breath to see how a Real Man manages women, so go ahead and impress me.


Heh. Dear, dear Dan. What on earth do you think they'd do if they did know? Fire me for picking up chicks back when I was in college?

Best Response

Yeah, I can't really understand why a straight adult man wouldn't like the idea of bisexual girls.

After all, what fun is life without us? Normally once a guy finds out a girl is bisexual, he's like, "Oh my god, tell me what I can buy you or do for you so that you'll pick up chicks with me."

Maybe Dan hasn't figured out that this is the fastest/easiest way to end up in your standard threesome. It's not the man who makes it happen, because that kind of aggression comes off as sleazy and scares the girls away. The alpha girl is actually the key to making the threesome happen. She picks the guy, she picks the girl, and she brings the two together. This is almost always the way I see things coming together in vanilla communities.

So, that's a tip for the fellows out there who are still figuring it out. If you meet a strong, capable bi girl, she's usually the way to make it happen.

Mis Ind:
Yeah, I can't really understand why a straight adult man wouldn't like the idea of bisexual girls.

well, maybe because they are comfortable with their sexuality.

not everyone conforms to your stereotype of what men want. i don't want a threesome, even though i have had the opportunity. just not my style.


JC you're really dense.

You're so eager to see how a real man operates right ? Then try finding out for yourself.


No, Seanc. You're the one with the complicated theories about how a Real Man properly controls women. I'm waiting to learn from the master. Why aren't you showing me? I've been asking for weeks now.


Heh. If you're tired of the way you and I relate, Seanc, you have the power to change it at any time.

In other words, don't start nothin' won't be nothin', my friend.


I've never backed down from anyone, including men with guns, now just stay out the way while I hit on the Chemical Engineer.


We're not talking about you backing down, we're talking about you starting fights.

If you don't like conflicts, don't start them. I'm always 100% neutral unless someone goes out of their way to pick a fight. If you'd like to stop, then stop. The power's in your hands, dude.


You ran in the Asians and Indians thread trying to diss me, the same as you've done in dozens of threads, so be careful before you point fingers.


What the hell are you guys talking about??!!??

One look and I'll forget what H2O means?

Oh, and I don't know ANY women who made it through engineering school 100% straight. Not a one. And no, I didn't go to one of the seven sisters.

Oh, and if the Real Man wants to hit me, bring it on.

You don't have the stones for engineering, Seanc, trust me.


Heh. Looks like you have a hard time having "a normal conversation" with ALL the women on this board, Seanc, not just me. Remember Aadpepsi?

I'm telling you, you're a natural with the ladies, Seanc. Must be that Real Man charm.


Just to clarify, I could give a flying rat's ass who or whare you are, Sean.

The reason I'm asking is:

I remember, a few years back, there was this jackass who would always park crooked, taking up 2 spots, in the hard to get parking spots right next to the MLB building. The car had this bumper sticker that just said "Real Man" and there was a MIchigan LSA sticker in the reae windshield.

Well, Sean, I'm the one that left you a little love note that said something along the lines of:

"Learn to park you fucking dislexic inconsiderate LSA sack of shit

--- an engineer"

I'm thinking it was you, simply because Real Men can't parellel park.....

Speaking of which, that was a few years ago, so that would make you a super duper undergrad.....

Oh, and I don't know ANY women who made it through engineering school 100% straight. Not a one. And no, I didn't go to one of the seven sisters.
"Learn to park you fucking dislexic inconsiderate LSA sack of shit

--- an engineer"

engineering school, lol!

sorry. I don't mean to offend you guys, but seriously, i hope that his is a parody of the stereotypical engineering school/student. come to think of it, i don't really care if it isn't!



In fact, there are very few in the field in my experience.

Sadly, most of those girls who change your oil at the garage in a wife-beater (looking fantastic, I might add) never go to engineering school to become a mechE....


ChemE I don't know what the hell you're on about, I think those fumes back in your lab days may have affected your brain.


It was stunningly intelligent, wasn't it? Fumes = chemical engineer, get it? Witty!

I think I'm beginning to understand what it means to be a Real Man in your world, Seanc.


Wow... interesting thread :-)

For the record... similar to ChemEtoVC I'm an ex-ChemE who knocked out the "E" part and finished simply as a Chem... however, I am 100% hetero. Never strayed, never been tempted :-)

Sorry to disapoint.

Wow... interesting thread :-)

For the record... similar to ChemEtoVC I'm an ex-ChemE who knocked out the "E" part and finished simply as a Chem... however, I am 100% hetero. Never strayed, never been tempted :-)

Sorry to disapoint.

The question on everyone's mind (well mine at least) is are you hot? Because I'm sure you are a well aware of the negative correlation for science chicks (particularly ones in engineering at any point) and hotness.

But hey, if you got that hidden hot...you know behind the lab coat with the angular glasses and a clipboard...I'm game.

You finished with the CHEM, then I'll bring the ISTRY!

wow that was bad.


Hmm. Bad, but in a good way. I think there's an art to delivering really bad pickup lines; if you do it well, with the right kind of grin, it can be quite successful.

I think she's most likely quite hot. Not sure if it's hidden or not, though. ChemE, care to fill us on on that rate of conversion? Are you a slow smolder or a bombshell?

(The right answer is probably "Under what circumstances?")


Yes, that was tragic... can't believe you hit "submit" on that :-)

Am I hot? Well, for sure I don't fit the science chick negative correlation profile. Never did.

'eh, I might be too clumsy to be "hot" - especially considering the macho "gorilla-beats-his-chest" standards on the forum... :-)

Yes, that was tragic... can't believe you hit "submit" on that :-)

Am I hot? Well, for sure I don't fit the science chick negative correlation profile. Never did.

'eh, I might be too clumsy to be "hot" - especially considering the macho "gorilla-beats-his-chest" standards on the forum... :-)

Don't rope me in with the gorillaz here. I may have proven myself to be a jack-ass, but not in this regard.

All I got to say is aadpepsi is starting to get me hot.


I don't think gorillas can perceive or comprehend grace, though. I think the standards are more along the lines of measurements, hair color, and whether or not your face resembles a supermodel's.

In my mind, though, there are a ton of women who would fulfill those requirements for hotness who aren't at all hot, simply because they don't feel at ease with themselves or they don't permit themselves to fully inhabit their bodies.

Clumsiness? It can be utterly charming, particularly if you work the gamine angle or the "it SO figures" shrug.


Yes, I would characterize my clumsiness as endearing :-)

I'm too modest - I would never say "oh, yeah I'm hot"... I just don't take myself THAT seriously, c'mon.

A woman who's "hot" works it all the time, doesn't she? I don't work it.

I do have the 'it SO figures' shrug down though :-)


See, I think women who leave a wake of accidental destruction and then shrug it off are hot. It's the same as saying, "Oh well. I'm a force of nature. Deal with it."


Oh my god, it's Sean-Cee!!!

The effect you have on me... just the sight of your name on the forum makes the buttons on my blouse bust open...

Oh my god, it's Sean-Cee!!!

The effect you have on me... just the sight of your name on the forum makes the buttons on my blouse bust open...

great...cant wait to see your A cups.

I'm still not sure that he understands that saying that a woman has small breasts isn't equivalent to saying that a man has a small penis. The tiny perky look is nice, as is the big bosomy look. Both work nicely... not to mention that many of our idols of the runway are close to flat. If a-cups were so undesirable, there wouldn't be so many porn sites devoted to them.


Since we're on the subject of penis... and considering Dan's contributions to the forum... my guess is he has a small... bent... penis. Just a guess... what do I know.


I'm not so sure it's a small, bent penis, Aad. I'm thinking more like a small soft one. The only other guy I've ever met who acted like Dan had (I kid you not) a pinkie-sized one.


pinkie-sized one eh? well, that's what, like 2 inches? I was willing to concede Dan boy at least 4 inches... you know... for all of the uber bravado he speaketh...


There are, first of all, a few secrets known only to us engineers.

Remember that movie, Revenge of the Nerds? Well, the geek manages to sleep with the hot girl by pretending to be darth vader (the point being, the hot girl did not know that he was the geek because he was wearing a mask).

Afterward he removes the mask and the hot girl, instead of being disgusted says:

"Wow, that was amazing!"

and the nerdy guy says

"Yes, it was wonderful, because you see, all jocks think about is sports, but all nerds think about is sex"

Regardless of how good looking you may end up being as an engineer, you most likely were not a popular kid in HS. Thus, in the back of your mind, you are apways concerned that the sexual opportunity will not last. We tend to be thrilled at any and every opportunity. And engineering school is so stressful.....well.....some interesting things have happened in the media union at 3AM, put it that way.

In terms of my level of hotness......well the celebrity I most closely resemble is Sandra Bullock. With the glasses. Not an identical twin, of course, but you get the idea.

And I am a bit clumsy.

In fact I have broken my left big toe three times in the past year.....by hitting it on the same coffee table, no matter where I move the coffee table, I manage to break my toe on it.

and I once opened a door into my face, breaking my nose.....on a date....and I wasn't drunk. I think I got a lot of borwnie points for stuffing a little tissue paper up my nose and continuing the date without complaining.....funny how that works out.

There are, first of all, a few secrets known only to us engineers.

Remember that movie, Revenge of the Nerds? Well, the geek manages to sleep with the hot girl by pretending to be darth vader (the point being, the hot girl did not know that he was the geek because he was wearing a mask).

Afterward he removes the mask and the hot girl, instead of being disgusted says:

"Wow, that was amazing!"

and the nerdy guy says

"Yes, it was wonderful, because you see, all jocks think about is sports, but all nerds think about is sex"

Regardless of how good looking you may end up being as an engineer, you most likely were not a popular kid in HS. Thus, in the back of your mind, you are apways concerned that the sexual opportunity will not last. We tend to be thrilled at any and every opportunity. And engineering school is so stressful.....well.....some interesting things have happened in the media union at 3AM, put it that way.

In terms of my level of hotness......well the celebrity I most closely resemble is Sandra Bullock. With the glasses. Not an identical twin, of course, but you get the idea.

And I am a bit clumsy.

In fact I have broken my left big toe three times in the past year.....by hitting it on the same coffee table, no matter where I move the coffee table, I manage to break my toe on it.

and I once opened a door into my face, breaking my nose.....on a date....and I wasn't drunk. I think I got a lot of borwnie points for stuffing a little tissue paper up my nose and continuing the date without complaining.....funny how that works out.

ok. now you're just taking the piss.


And yes, sometimes I think that I am the only one who had one grandma with small breasts and one with large breasts.

Trust me gents, small and perky is a much better option in the long run.

And yes, sometimes I think that I am the only one who had one grandma with small breasts and one with large breasts.

Trust me gents, small and perky is a much better option in the long run.

I've always been a B-cup fan.

The truth about big breasts is that most girls with big breasts have big everything else too (which I find disgusting).

Now you do find some skinny girls with implants, but they rarely look normal (i.e. the proportions are fucked up and they scare me).

The number of women with natural large yet perky breasts who are also skinny is very, very small.


I agree completely Alexey, it is a (lovely) creature with a very rare genetic makeup that can pull off anything more than a small C and still wear a size 6.....make that a 4 in today's sizes.

I agree completely Alexey, it is a (lovely) creature with a very rare genetic makeup that can pull off anything more than a small C and still wear a size 6.....make that a 4 in today's sizes.

Can anybody explain women's dress sizes to me? They really don't mean much to me.

Then to make matters worse, I'm now over in Europe and I think they are different than in the US, so I'm doubly confused.



Well, they have been shrinking.

See, I am a size 6. I am not a size 4.

No way in hell.

But, as of the past few years, I can go all the way down to a 2 in some cases.

This makes any form on online shopping IMPOSSIBLE.

Suits: all the pants are length 34 when you buy the damn thing, we rarely have any pant length choices like the guys do. Even my cousin, who is 5'10'' does not wear a pant length 34. You would need to be a woman over 6 feet tall to need an inseam of 34.

(SPeaking of which, I have always been tempted to buy a pant suit and just not get the pants hemmed to a 30 or 29.5, just to make a statement as to how rediculous women's cothing really is. Just leave the damn things with a lenth past my toes and roll them up Huckleberry Finn-style....or I suppose I could just wear the pants up to my armpits.......what is the consenus folks?)

Well, they have been shrinking.

See, I am a size 6. I am not a size 4.

No way in hell.

But, as of the past few years, I can go all the way down to a 2 in some cases.

This makes any form on online shopping IMPOSSIBLE.

Suits: all the pants are length 34 when you buy the damn thing, we rarely have any pant length choices like the guys do. Even my cousin, who is 5'10'' does not wear a pant length 34. You would need to be a woman over 6 feet tall to need an inseam of 34.

(SPeaking of which, I have always been tempted to buy a pant suit and just not get the pants hemmed to a 30 or 29.5, just to make a statement as to how rediculous women's cothing really is. Just leave the damn things with a lenth past my toes and roll them up Huckleberry Finn-style....or I suppose I could just wear the pants up to my armpits.......what is the consenus folks?)

What do these sizes mean in terms of height and weight?

So a skinny girl, say 5'7, 110lbs is what?

then 5'7, 120lbs is what?

5'7, 130lbs is what?

I don't even want to think about any weights higher than that unless the girls is really tall.

obviously, I know it's approximate.



5'7, 110lbs = a 2 or a 0 (please have her eat something, okay?)

5'7, 120lbs = a 4 or a 2

5'7, 130lbs = a 6 or a 4

HOwever, it is all about proportion. I am 5'6'' and I weigh anywhere between 125 and 135, mostly depending on the season (yes, it's true, most native Michiganders put on insulation in the winter).

And, like I mentioned, I traditionally am a size 6 (the 6 might be very slightly roomy, but I'd rather it be that way).

But (and this is my point), I can, as of late, sometimes wear a size 4 or even a 2. I am the same size exactly as I was when I was 14 yrs old, and not until roughly 2003 could I ever wear a size 2. Size deflation exists. Big time!

If they were to simply list measurements as is the case in men's clothing, it would make things a lot easier.


5'7, 110lbs = a 2 or a 0 (please have her eat something, okay?)

5'7, 120lbs = a 4 or a 2

5'7, 130lbs = a 6 or a 4

HOwever, it is all about proportion. I am 5'6'' and I weigh anywhere between 125 and 135, mostly depending on the season (yes, it's true, most native Michiganders put on insulation in the winter).

And, like I mentioned, I traditionally am a size 6 (the 6 might be very slightly roomy, but I'd rather it be that way).

But (and this is my point), I can, as of late, sometimes wear a size 4 or even a 2. I am the same size exactly as I was when I was 14 yrs old, and not until roughly 2003 could I ever wear a size 2. Size deflation exists. Big time!

Can I take you out for dinner and drinks?


Oh, and trust me, there are a lot of women out there who are a size 4 and are 5'7'' who weigh 150 and they look amazing. Particularly if you have boobs. Boobs are heavy. Also, women vary tremensously in terms of musculature and bone structure. Women I know who can get down past 120 usually have very little muscle at all.

For example, I am thin, but I will never weigh less than about 118. I would be emaciated.

Do you think that Mia Hamm ever weighed less than 140 a day in her life? I doubt it, and she looks amazing.

For example, do you know that Cindy Crawford (she's a chemE, by the way) weighed about 150 in her famous Pepsi commercial? She's not that tall either.

Oh, and trust me, there are a lot of women out there who are a size 4 and are 5'7'' who weigh 150 and they look amazing. Particularly if you have boobs. Boobs are heavy. Also, women vary tremensously in terms of musculature and bone structure. Women I know who can get down past 120 usually have very little muscle at all.

For example, I am thin, but I will never weigh less than about 118. I would be emaciated.

Do you think that Mia Hamm ever weighed less than 140 a day in her life? I doubt it, and she looks amazing.

For example, do you know that Cindy Crawford (she's a chemE, by the way) weighed about 150 in her famous Pepsi commercial? She's not that tall either.

Is that a yes?

do you know that Cindy Crawford (she's a chemE, by the way)...

She was NOT a ChemE, c'mon. "Supposedly" she studied ChemE at Northwestern... one or two quarters in a freshman year does not calibrate as having taken the thermodynamics, heat transfer, etc. classes of a ChemE. Pluuuueaze.

Alexey... supposedly I get you hot, but then you proceed to ask Ms. ChemEtoVC out?!?

The nerve :-)


Alexey... supposedly I get you hot, but then you proceed to ask Ms. ChemEtoVC out?!?

The nerve :-)

What can I say. You guys have convinced me of the hotness and value of Chemistry chicks. I'm fiending now...I gotta find one!

You got me so hot...and you weren't around...and she was there...aaahhhh!

I promise, baby. It won't happen again. Take me back? :-(


In my closet I have a pair of size zero pants and a pair of size four pants. Both come from the same store. The zero fits me fine. The four is so small that I can barely close the zipper.

This is what women are up against when buying clothes.


So what do you think, Mis Ind, would my huckleberry pants fly in Ibanking?

I remember, when I worked at Lehman (not in Ibanking, but for a friend from my industry who had defected the chem world and became an MD),

the first meeting we had, all I could think the entire time was

"God, I don't even know if I've ever seen cuff links before....I've seen those double-button-on-a-string thingies for french cuffs....but not real precious metal cuff links.....where the hell would one even buy such a thing?.....I wonder how many 1989 F-150's (my car at the time) I could buy for the price of those cuff links....hmm...."


ChemE what you need is a few keg stands at the PIKE house to help clear your head you big ole' nerd.

Lol I gave your (male) types wedgies in high school.


No... never... now I know I'm 2nd choice vs. 1st choice. You ruined it for us. Ruined it. It can never be. Our happiness, our future... How could you Alexey?!? S-L-A-P!!!


You two are delightful. This is seriously the brightest spot of my morning.

Actually, I note that it's been afternoon for a while now. Ah, banking... how time flies when you're having fun.


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Culpa aut ab culpa. Aut modi magni sed et ducimus ipsam. Illum iure officia atque veniam et a. Voluptates sed blanditiis explicabo. Autem deserunt ut sed quidem culpa assumenda esse. Ab perferendis qui sint eos officia voluptatem nihil.

Rerum nihil deleniti repudiandae eligendi est. Et deleniti omnis facere accusantium. Est dolore sed doloribus sit rerum animi. Sint magni praesentium iste occaecati rerum sint.

Sed quis laudantium vel similique corrupti aut praesentium ad. Quam autem distinctio quisquam iste omnis distinctio ab. Dolores fugiat qui consequatur itaque consequatur ut. Aliquid necessitatibus similique adipisci amet laborum dolorum.


Hic ea vero modi modi. Et officia ut qui omnis et molestias et.

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Aspernatur commodi consequuntur et quia dolor. Et fugiat voluptates veniam odio itaque nulla non. Ut et accusamus adipisci est. Aut alias fugiat dignissimos voluptatum corporis voluptatibus.

Et illum voluptas reiciendis ab culpa doloremque labore illo. Corrupti numquam iure qui cumque aliquam.

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