Att: Laid Off Bros, Shut Up, Daddy is Talking, Million Dollar Advice in here.

Listen Boyos,

No one is hiring in this market and it's going to be Grimm for 2 years, No one is getting hired on here they are lying and if someone is hiring in this market its cause their job is dog-chit like lending, credit, restructuring, basically NOT IB or Funds, etc No offense to people on here but its FACTS.

This is what you do if you have been laid off.

Book a fucking ticket to Asia, Latin America, or Africa, and travel, fuck bitches, do drugs, party hard, and see where it takes you. When you're ready to come back with some hot-ass Colombian or some cute Japanese chic, you will be a better world-rounded adult who people will want to work with. When they ask what you were doing just say I was partying traveling having a good time. The best most awesome people I've ever worked with included people more senior than me who all have this type of experience under their belt. It's common in England and Australia to do this, and it helps your career. It's essential and considering your just going to be wallowing at home, why waste the prime years of your life doing that? Serious there's more important chit in life than this career, Most of the people especially in America just slave away to simp for some ugly wife from College just LOL

People hire who they like and want to work with not who is the best, both professionally and academically, you are wrong if you think differently.

School is over for today.


OP before discovering WSO: 

“Hello Everyone,

I have a new job, I've been consulting on the side for an Investment advisor, it's an easy gig but also pays well. I've got a new offer for a major Wolfsberg Group pretty sweet job. The investment advisor won't let me leave because I'm extremely valuable to them and my employment saves them hundreds of thousands of dollars in fees, for various vendors, consulting, etc. They are aware of my wanting to go to this major bank.

Question is - Can I work at both?


OP now: 


Luckily I fucked that major bank off a few months ago because it was dogshit like most Investment Banks now.

Seems like I'm the only one on this forum who has actually worked at an Investment Bank.


I'm sorry I'm so based.

My advice is sound, people should take it seriously.

If anyone doesn't like it, its because they are likely jealous.

Why stay at home doing nothing when you can travel, Most people who have been laid off, won't find anything for some time, might as well do something different which wil legitimately help your career.

Have faith.

Most Helpful


Listen Boyos,

This is what you do if you have been laid off.

Book a fucking ticket to Asia, Latin America, or Africa, and travel, fuck bitches, do drugs, party hard, and see where it takes you. When you're ready to come back with some hot-ass Colombian or some cute Japanese chic, you will be a better world-rounded adult who people will want to work with. When they ask what you were doing just say I was partying traveling having a good time. 

This is such an annoying take and I see a lot of similar advice on here although they do not use aggressive language like yours both of you are basically saying the same thing.

Advice like "if you're laid off as an analyst its not the end of the world, unplug for a few months, travel and recharge, careers are long and this is only a setback", annoys me because it assumes that people come from rich and connected enough families to just fuck off and do nothing if they are fired as a junior and everyone has the ability to ask uncle jimmy for a job at MM or BB when they're back.

For some of us, the possibility of losing our jobs is terrifying because this was our silver bullet out of poverty which might sound strange to a lot of people on this website. I pointed this out on another thread and some morons were quoting Tyler Durden from Fight Club and basically saying that being poor isn't a big deal and I'm materialistic when i said i actually liked my job and the things it gets me in IB because i've actually been poor. You don't understand the luxuries you have ARE meaningful when you've been truly down and out at rock bottom for years and years.

Sure if you're an Associate or VP and have been making 250k+ in bonuses for a few years then this is possible but as a 1st or 2nd year analyst, how much do you even have saved? $10K - $20k Max if you're let go before bonuses which have been happening and even less if you're in London.

Like I said it would be fine if what you or others have said was aimed at seniors but its usually aimed at juniors and I find it so unbelievably tone deaf I look at people who say that as being almost inhuman with that sort of ignorance.

That's barely 12 months of expenses in this rental market so the prospect of flying to Columbia and living of the grid doing blow and fucking prostitutes is not possible and neither is backpacking across Africa or whatever stupid hippie advice people keep spewing on here to people who might have their lives implode.



I’ve been laid off before, twice

actually, this is 08 all over again but this time IB will be hit harder I’ve seen this before.

1. Look how insane your post sounds, It's clear we are in a cycle and the economy is unsustainable that needs to crash.

2. People in NY don't make as much as you think they do and people in London make more than you think they do, I know this I've worked in both markets, If you travel which you clearly never will because you don't have the balls "just admit it" then you would know. I'm not American or British Btw.

3. Its not about unplugging bro, THERE ARE NO JOBS IN THIS SITUATION, NO ONE IS HIRING, NO WILL HIRE POTENTIALLY FOR YEARS, WHY WASTE TIME APPLYING FOR JOBS THAT DON'T EXIST?? This is 2008 conditions, MBA programs are booming and firms are firing.

4. This is why living and working in the US is shit and ends up paying less than in London or Singapore. You pay more in health, and education, you are stuck!, you are handcuffed to your bonus, handcuffed to not having a gap on your resume even though laws in New York State create conditions in which you would be completely stupid to NOT LIE on your resume.

What poverty? you clearly are not poor bro? if you bring that zoomer university thinking here you aint gonna last long bruv.


1. I actually agree with you on the economic cycle

2. I work in NY and I've worked in London, people in NY, especially in banking made way more than I anticipated especially from associate and up. London IB jobs pay 50k GBP with almost 50% tax and 30k bonus which is also crazily taxed. i also don't understand what it has to do with my post.

3. This might be true but sitting at home and not applying is not possible for some of us when its literally the only way we would eat outside of working for startbucks. 

4. I agree lol

5. I was poor before i became a banker, like literally, I don't wanna go into details but lets just say, I've licked the floor of poverty and tasted everything it has to offer. I am rich now but I am still grateful for this job and everything it gets me and if i had lost my job as a junior I would've been back to poverty and homelessness in no time. Telling people from my background to not panic and not apply for jobs if they're laid off is very tone deaf, WE NEED this job to stay afloat at least until we're senior enough where a job is only a phonecall or two away by asking old colleagues. Also people ARE hiring, we did not grow up in a connected family so the only way we got jobs is by calling recruiters and applying, so it makes sense that people will revert to that.


Listen Boyos,

This is what you do if you have been laid off.

Book a fucking ticket to Asia, Latin America, or Africa, and travel, fuck bitches, do drugs, party hard, and see where it takes you. When you're ready to come back with some hot-ass Colombian or some cute Japanese chic, you will be a better world-rounded adult who people will want to work with. When they ask what you were doing just say I was partying traveling having a good time. 

some morons were quoting Tyler Durden from Fight Club and basically saying that being poor isn't a big deal and I'm materialistic when i said i actually liked my job and the things it gets me in IB because i've actually been poor. You don't understand the luxuries you have ARE meaningful when you've been truly down and out at rock bottom for years and years.

Completely agree. Though it makes sense, but the amount of people who don't actually understand Fight Club baffles me, and is the reason it was written in the first place. People glamorize poverty since they've never lived it. OP, you know who doesn't glamorize it? The poor.

Quant (ˈkwänt) n: An expert, someone who knows more and more about less and less until they know everything about nothing.

Pierogi Equities

Completely agree. Though it makes sense, but the amount of people who don't actually understand Fight Club baffles me, and is the reason it was written in the first place. People glamorize poverty since they've never lived it. OP, you know who doesn't glamorize it? The poor.

It's fun watching entire humanities classes in college flip their shit when the professor calls them out for misunderstanding Fight Club or what Chuck was really trying to write about. Especially the goombas who don't realize how much it makes more sense when you go back and rewatch it after learning the plot twist at the end of your first viewing. It's a good story, and if you actually get it, has a good thought provoking meaning behind it. But it gets abused a lot by ignorant people and I agree that I've seen too many chumps try and use the story and quotes as a defense against their own lacking in life and thinking they're cool because of it.

Edit: Not to mention that unless you've read the book you don't know there's a huge second twist that's left out of the movie at the end. And again, they just fawn over the movie version with no understanding of the real novel's storyit's built off of. Tangent, but the same goes for Starship Troopers and how the movie is so vastly divergent from the novel it's based on and the intended meaning behind it.

The poster formerly known as theAudiophile. Just turned up to 11, like the stereo.

Couldn't agree more. I've watched a Van Diesel (excusez-moi for spelling his name incorrectly) delivery a motivation speech for the LA Lakers. Most of it was really good except one: he talked about how he was dimeless for like a month. 

But before he went cash broke, he was a WWI (WWI ?) champion. That identity probably did not fall within the definition of poor. 

Persistency is Key

If you are a 1st or 2nd year analyst then you will have no problem finding another high paying job, none. It might not be in banking which would suck and warrant your frustration but you have almost zero risk of going back to poverty. Job loss is not that haunting unless you are like an immigrant and need sponsorship.

Dont sell that fear.


This has been done to death surely. People in London don’t work as staff they work as umbrella day rate contractors which pays much more. You had to earn 50k cause you were on a visa. If you were a resident of the Uk you could go on as a counts for maybe making 500 to 600 per day. 

i agree NY pays more but London pays a lot more than people think, there are plenty of Americans who move to the Uk for more money.


Idk why people are posting serious replies. This jabroni has been posting some variation of this for days now and responding and MSing with burner accounts. Won’t speculate as to motivation, but I’ll say what I said on the last thread and got MSed to oblivion: OP is a sack of shit loser.

Don’t look to threads like this for advice, but there are some helpful ones on the IB forum. I’ve been laid off, haven’t had a hard time finding interviews, and am in later rounds with several banks / funds. If you want serious advice or perspective I’m happy to chat, PM me.


Don't look to threads like this for advice, but there are some helpful ones on the IB forum. I've been laid off, haven't had a hard time finding interviews, and am in later rounds with several banks / funds. If you want serious advice or perspective I'm happy to chat, PM me.

now that's based. Hopefully you get something good!

Quant (ˈkwänt) n: An expert, someone who knows more and more about less and less until they know everything about nothing.

haha *negative* 15 bananas - impressive. 

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

I'll take my whole two weeks of severance and go fly to Bali instead of interviewing for jobs. Great idea man


The poster formerly known as theAudiophile. Just turned up to 11, like the stereo.

Wow I didn't think of that. I'll take my whole two weeks of severance and go fly to Bali instead of interviewing for jobs. Great idea man

I actually did this, but I applied for jobs while in Bali. I was in Bali for a few days, but then flew to Sumbawa to surf Lakey Peak and took a few days off.

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

M&A or bust


"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

It’s not impossible to get a job.  I just got one.  Thank god.

But unlike almost everyone else here I do agree with you on your other points.  Nothing wrong with taking a sabbatical and having some fun if you can afford it.  And frankly, I bet most of WSO can (ahem.. every thread about personal/family wealth) If you work at a top bank or a hedge fund you’ll probably be able to find another job in a few months.

Hell, even I spent a few months in Florida after I had a heart attack.. it was hot and sticky, like my balls


Eligendi sapiente dicta numquam. Enim ipsam blanditiis suscipit repellat fuga molestias eveniet. Occaecati aspernatur magni non reprehenderit nisi tempora.

Libero et dolor ab ex ut aut. Aut iure atque atque eius. Minus eligendi minus et veniam nemo quidem quos veniam. Earum omnis beatae nulla quisquam architecto eum.

Est laudantium distinctio voluptas ex. Quidem velit id cumque sed.

Eius iure asperiores aut. Nemo sed cum et provident et placeat aut. Esse nobis fuga et. Molestiae quae voluptatibus ullam tempora iure nam beatae.

Career Advancement Opportunities

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners New 98.9%
  • Lazard Freres 01 98.3%
  • Harris Williams & Co. 24 97.7%
  • Goldman Sachs 17 97.1%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 19 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.9%
  • Lazard Freres 05 98.3%
  • Morgan Stanley 05 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 01 97.1%

Professional Growth Opportunities

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners 18 98.3%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 05 97.1%

Total Avg Compensation

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (22) $375
  • Associates (93) $259
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • Intern/Summer Associate (33) $170
  • 2nd Year Analyst (69) $168
  • 1st Year Analyst (206) $159
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (149) $101
16 IB Interviews Notes

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