Any info on Jim Donovan GS Md

Hey has anyone ever worked with him or has interacted with him?  We all have pretty much watched the “ are you destined to deal” uva lecture on YouTube; any insights on the guy(culture, work ethic etc) would be appreciated 

For reference:


Eh it seems like if you actually read his bio is a way bigger hitter than a partner in PWM. Apparently he made partner in 7 years and has worked across divisions including IBD. "He’s best known for advising CEOs of large, multinational companies." For example his client was Bain Capital and Mitt Romney. He was asked to be deputy treasury secretary but turned it down. I don't know anything about the guy until now bc I was curious why people were asking about some random MD but his background certainly appears to be far more impressive than some MD in PWM



Wasn't he accused of trying to kill his father?

Yes, but his father seems like (maybe) a psycho. Google their names. Old money family, big money disputes. Father was also a professor, a more famous one. My read of it is that the kids accused dad of sexual abuse after one of the sisters came forward, dad snapped and staged his own shooting, police saw through it, and he was arrested. Super bizarre all around.


🙌 to this dude for having multiple gfs after his wife cheated on him wat a comeback


wtf she cheated on him for a school teacher?!? gotta be more than meets the eye bout him Hicks is smokin tho


Ya which is y he has a truckload of NDAs. Gives off autistic vibes - turned out to be legit psycho when he didn't take his meds. He isn't famous nor should you look up to him. His own wife can't speak about him publicly. He's smooth .. cuz those meds remove all his emotions. Just a shell of a person. The Hopester is lucky she has options - he's does not. He's worse than the wifebeater.

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Ya a few have. Bad experience all around. He's dangerous. Good on Hicks for getting away. She can do better than him (he takes anti-psycho meds). He's an insecure POS who had his juniors diss her on here to make himself feel good. No celeb GFs cuz u know he's not on his tranquilizers 24/7. 


Seriously? Did she she do an exit stage right & run? I bet it's scary af to be his girlfriend just the same. F***ed if you didn't bring him over the Starbucks coffee like he wanted. SMASH in the sink...

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That dude is straight out of central casting for a banker


I had the unfortunate displeasure of working with this guy. He is the biggest suck bag; don't buy into this guy's BS. Such a jerk and so mean. Hope Hicks is not a celebrity or a model either.  So she thinks, I'm sure. She worked in the White House briefly for Trump. Whoopy! No one in the Senate is a celebrity unless you're Trump, McConnell, Lindsey Graham, or Manchin. No idea how she kisses that guy..the disgusting junk that he is.


Spot on. He should star in "How to Live a Double Life by Jim Donovan." If u work at GS, u know he works in PWM out of Boston. He never worked in Cville.

He cheated on his wife & had a kid(s). His wife snapped, didn't accept the kid & had a public affair (WSO). That's y he dropped out as Trump's nominee. His family soap opera was gunna be public news.

He's the most egotistical guy at GS and if u work here, u know they forced him to be VC cuz his attitude/drinks were out of hand. He's a jerk who gets super angry if u don't worship him/see him as a gigachad. He's barely done any deals for years but is fine as VC cuz it's all acting.

When all his BS was going around the firm, he tried to greenwash his reputation with way younger women. Hicks being 1 of em. Guessing she dumped him or something cuz he got his junior staff to s**tpost her on here. Called her a tranny a lot and was very angry.

One day he exploded & leaked all his devilish ways & family stuff. Won't comment on anything that's personal for the kids. 

Tl:dr he's psycho, an adulterer, made his wife a single-parent and threw her to the curb. Being one of the smartest at GS is useless when he's like his dad.

And ya with all those NDA's don't kid yourself about Hicks talking. Poor wife & kids.


this is just public slander and all factually incorrect. crazy to make this up about a person.


Watched a recent video of him lately and was shocked to see that his hair has greyed so much and has also aged a lot overall. He's just around 55 i think. In the Destined to Deal classic video he looks so young and chad (first time I heard of the term 'investment banking' honestly). Was also surprised he's smashing Hope Hicks since he mentions his family and kids multiple times - maybe he got divorced or smtg? Chad chad chad gigachad


thats pretty normal for a 55 year old dude under stress.  nothing crazy.  in some ways he looks better (tanner)

also normal to lose hair

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I have never watched that video. It comes up on my recommended sometimes, haven't watched it though.


Trump ain't that mad...he didn't offer Hicks any "hush money" payments.

This dude's just looking for arm candy to show off his rolex, and inflate his ego even higher. 


He’s a mixed bag, super sharp dude, clear expectations and no BS with him. Bad is he’s super intense, sucks at office politics and will work you to the bone if you’re AN1/2. Didn’t work with him as an AN but he was super chill and a good mentor. Goes to bat for those under him. He’s in NY, Boston and TO. Personal life looks rough … his ex cheated on him publicly and looks like a rough divorce. Family isn’t old $$ he’s self-made. 5 kids young when he divorced. 1 at Ivy League on scholarship rest state schools.


I always click on this thread to laugh at that post above with him on crutches banging hope hicks


Hope Hicks ain't s***. Why is everyone so fascinated with her like she's Kardashian or Rhianna?? Everyone is so honed in on this dude's sex life. Who the "f***" cares! Take the million dollar make up & jewelry off her, then let's get a look.

He'll be using a cane soon, not crutches. My wife knocks her out of the park!


I don't want to jump into her shoes or wishing I was in her position. Ehhhh....You wouldn't be wearing shoes for half the role. 

As for him & the crutches...he's in knee wobbling love so he has to walk with assistance every place they go.


After hearing reading all helpful insight about how he is and what he is like professionally...impressive, but I'd pass.

Don't care about his personal either.


Had him as a professor at UVA law for corporate strategy. Awesome dude, lectures very clearly and hosts small group sessions with students where he candidly answers questions about his career and life.


So as someone who’s graduated law school (and perhaps practiced law), what’s your take on him? My older sis is a practicing attorney and she’s really good at reading personalities. But she told me lawyers are the best liars. So since you’ve had him as a prof, do you think his advice is mostly true/false? And unrelated, but would you recommend a law degree for those not looking to practice law? I’m studying for the LSAT and considering applying next year but from my sister’s exp. don’t see myself working in law. And I have no way of knowing if 1/2 of what this guy says is true. As for Hicks, I agree she’s irrelevant to this thread. Thanks for your help.


Q1. Will not answer personal questions or speculate about him beyond saying he was a cool professor and very knowledgeable and composed. I would trust his career advice.

Q1a. Many lawyers, bankers and consultants are smooth talkers and have the personality to be good liars, particular if they are very good at regulating their emotions. I will not speculate on any individual.

Q2: Don’t go to law school for the express purpose of becoming a banker or consultant.

If you have no other reasonable options for accessing elite professional service careers, like Bulge Brackets or MBB, and would be happy with biglaw if it doesn’t work out and able to get into a T6 or higher, I fully endorse.

If you would be happy with biglaw with an even slimmer chance of MBB(and very slim banking chance bar a great market) and have the stats for a T14, I would also endorse but only if you’re really sure you’d be happy with biglaw, at least short term.

Also for both of those options, if you want to maximize elite employment odds, try to have 1-2 years of the best work experience you can get.

This is my advice and my advice alone. Classes and sessions did not cover whether to go to law school in the first place lmao.

I personally graduated into a rough market from a non elite school and got a decent job considering those factors, but would not have been a strong candidate for an M7 MBA. I wanted more and could get into a very good law school. While there, I tossed in initially why not MBB apps and then practiced casing and was pleasantly surprised with the outcome. A strong LSAT score is essential to the law school application process and can help with MBB as well. GPA is also very important for law school admission, though may be largely set already, and if not awful can be overcome at some schools with a particularly strong LSAT.

For people who make jumps to other professional services after biglaw, they normally make said jump from grade selective elite law firms. So grades matter in law school for a lot.


Start a new thread for this, albeit the above is great advice. Totally irrelevant to Donovan & why would you go to law school when unsure if you'd want to be one? Absolute waste of time & money.

Back to the original topic please...


With all due respect, the above monkey was asking how accurate Donovan’s advice is and if it is, then, chances are Donovan is an honest guy or at the very least, a guy you can trust.

That’s what everyone on this thread wants to know. It boils down to can you trust him? Would you choose him as a colleague if you were given the choice?

Eg. how does he behave on a day-to-day basis, fairly, strict, funny etc. That’s all.

Everyone else is asking questions that lead to the above 2 questions. Since you were his assistant in M&A, maybe you can shed some light on this. Take care.


No worries. His assistant wrote about him on the thread a few times so I thought it was you but I guess every MD probably has many assistants.


I used to look up to him for everything he's done for the firm. If you know what happened with him, you'd stay away too. His father was right on some level. 


yeah man the other guy that worked with him was right. He has a HUGE EGO. Thought he was a terminator with his work ethic. But the day he forgot his meds and spewed the truth, his real self (psycho) was out in full-swing. All that stuff he said about his dad, everyone, it was a shocker.


I work with him ... he's Axelrod all the way, not Specter. Can't say more, I'm AN1. He doesn't kno anyone's name. A loner.


Agreed. Ppl who worked with him tryna say the truth. These prospects r wearing rose tinted glasses. Google their names for the court docs and u can see there's gotta be something or it wouldn't be sealed. U can learn from his vids but don't buy into the hype.

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People give way too many f**cks about this guy. Someone asking me a question just brought me back here.  Whether it be the way he walks, talks, sex, sux, sin, the father. He's so undeserving of all this attention and hype. Although a great place to go for those who actually have had encounters or real life experiences with him. Maybe an occasional chuckle.  Who gives a f**k about this guy. Dang! Life's too short to keep feeding this guy's ego. Narcissism is a personality disorder in the real medical world, that digs deeper than being the bfa. You just stay the hec away from them/him. This guy is never going to change, he will just switch the victims! 


My $0.02 is his persona captivates others until they see the other side. He's not atypical in the world of HF. But awareness matters because he supervises new staff/ is dating much younger women (outside of GS) & WSO is like the only place they could get a clue. It looks like everyone is afraid to say anything about him but I encourage you to do so because you have no idea who you could be saving. 


I can't; my experience would sound like a handritten, two page letter out of a diary. Just play Michel Jackson's, "Thriller", and "Mr. Grinch." That ought to provide great transparency for ppl of what it's like working with this guy...he's a mean one!


Not the above analyst. I worked with him in Boston. He's exactly like Patrick Bateman from American Psycho irl. Extremely slick, smart and knows what to say to make things happen. He is a cardboard cut-out of what you imagine a GS MD is. If $$ is all u need in life, he is ur guy. He loves options alright. Was dating 4 chicks at once his names -- 1. Ho Hicks 2. biz deal 3. old money "churchy" 4. bankerella. Calls himself a gigachad. He said he's testing them out to be the VC's wife - more powerful than the royal family not kidding. Funny how he said buying Hicks services to avoid banging the others. But can't bring her to client events or ppl would run. What a slick b******. Coordinated 4 versions of himself haha.


This dude is fucking wild. What an insane thread.

Saw a few videos of him on tiktok (the UVA lectures) and the guy seemed smart.

What an insane dude lmao


Never heard of this guy but his thread is always active lmao ... Googled his name ... insane.

"Oh my gosh--

I met this guy briefly at a sports event that both of our kids attended at (his son was student there as was mine) and he was an epic ASS. I literally called a friend as I left to tell her that I had just encountered the biggest douche of my life. It was Donovan."


Suprised he actually took his elite a** over to one of those games & showed up in person. 

1) Of course he is super nice and helpful on the UVA vid's; students are paying to go there and the university is paying him. He can't act like Agent Smith to them.  It's all a calculated pretentious front this guy is putting on. UVA is an indirect in-part client/ putting $ in this guy's pocket.

2) On the flipside, GS is paying the employee(s)/students, so money is now coming out of the pocket. So he thinks he has allowances to bully and treat ppl as mean as he wants, cuz on that side of the street, he is a rainmaker at GS. They company more or less allow him to as well, which is too bad. 

3) What is this guy aiming for, slapping up vid's of himself every month online? Just validation seeking for egotistical acknowledgment, lying to himself that he's some notorious Wall St. legend. Ummmm....nope!

3) Lastly, if Hopey Hicks, ("omg, like, she's sooooo like, freeeaakking  gorgeous!" Lol), is still with this guy, she obviously is an absolute dip s**t, and could have done way better than this guy. Makes no sense.

This guy may be academically smart but you gotta believe us all about what we state he is. He also say's "he doesn't do social media", but you can follow him on Sh**t Tok and NitWitter! I'll send him an anonymous marital congrats, cheap cigar Aficionados with a note ...he can suck off!


Nah, he crossed paths with her a few times walking down the corridors in the White House, after his divorce. They somehow made a connection. Sure the dude just dropped his GS title to her and that was a strike gold for her. He was toying with the idea of being Trump's advisor.


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Illum quia cupiditate exercitationem facere. Animi porro sit natus voluptate esse.

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